27 April 2018

Back to the Préfecture

I went back to the préfecture this morning - guess what time?
Sunrise at the Train Station
My récépissé (receipt that shows I'm waiting for my card) for my carte de séjour expires tomorrow, and I need a valid one until I get my actual card. 

So, I went in to Montpellier to stand in line:
5:00 am - I'm awake! Honest! (My family needs a moment to catch a breath)
6:00 am - leave for the bus, then catch the train
7-ish - kill some time in the Montpellier train station, then walk to the préfecture
8:00 am - wait in line
8:15 - the gates open! We all go in and wait in another line!
8:40 - I have my ticket, and there are only two people ahead of me. I get to sit in line :-) 
9:10 - it's my turn at the window! Oh, look. It's my dossier. It was returned. "Did you have a visit from the police?" "Yes (me, looking up the date) in February." "OK, don't worry. No, I don't know what the status is, but don't worry." 
9:15 - I have my new récépissé, good until the end of July. Sigh.
9:30 - back at the train station. I take the opportunity to make some headway on our train tickets that we had to change due to the rolling strikes. THEN! I look for a train home - hah! There are supposed to be trains every hour, but, due to "perturbations"... 
12:50 - my train leaves - omg, I'm going home! 
All Afternoon - So, so, tired.

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