11 March 2017

L'Oursinade, or Sea Urchin Festival

Today and yesterday was L'Oursinade, or the Sea Urchin Festival in Sète centre-ville. We had heard about it from the tourist office when we first moved here, and I was determined to advance my education in seafood ;-)

We just missed our bus, so caught the other one; hopped off downtown, and walked toward the esplanade - where we were greeted by *music!*

We got tickets for wine, and dove right in

Oysters were tempting, but I was here for oursin! You can see them cutting them open in the background here

The line for beignets d'oignons was loooong (and never got shorter). I held our place while Rick got more wine for us. I had a lovely (if horribly mangled) conversation with a very nice young woman who was about to be married :-)

Just as our wine gave out, we arrived at the table!
French onion rings (oh man, are they good!)

Seafood, wine, beignets... And sweets and kiddies to round out the carnival - we didn't have either, just enjoyed watching ;-)

Tickets were 5€ for a wine glass in a neck pouch (very handy) and three "fills." You could also just buy it by the glass or bottle.

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